HTTP Status Codes 300-307 - Redirection Status Codes Print

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'''300 - Multiple Choices'''

The 300 status code indicates that a resource has moved. The response will also include a list of locations from which the user agent can select the most appropriate.

'''301 - Moved Permanently'''

A status code of 301 tells a client that the resource they asked for has permanently moved to a new location. The response should also include this location. It tells the client to use the new URL the next time it wants to fetch the same resource.

'''302 - Found'''

A status code of 302 tells a client that the resource they asked for has temporarily moved to a new location. The response should also include this location. It tells the client that it should carry on using the same URL to access this resource.

'''303 - See Other'''

A 303 status code indicates that the response to the request can be found at the specified URL, and should be retrieved from there. It does not mean that something has moved - it is simply specifying the address at which the response to the request can be found.

'''304 - Not Modified'''

The 304 status code is sent in response to a request (for a document) that asked for the document only if it was newer than the one the client already had. Normally, when a document is cached, the date it was cached is stored. The next time the document is viewed, the client asks the server if the document has changed. If not, the client just reloads the document from the cache.

'''305 - Use Proxy'''

A 305 status code tells the client that the requested resource has to be reached through a proxy, which will be specified in the response.

'''307 - Temporary Redirect'''

307 is the status code that is sent when a document is temporarily available at a different URL, which is also returned. There is very little difference between a 302 status code and a 307 status code. 307 was created as another, less ambiguous, version of the 302 status code.

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